Saturday, June 6, 2009


Working in the warehouse had given me the opportunity to think a lot. Why do I say so? Cos everyday since early in the morning, although the hands are non-stop repetitively working, the brain doesn't process at all on what the hands are attending to. Everything is just like a routine. And this is the best time for me to be alone; with my own thinking, talking to my own inner self. Recently, I had been reading on a book entitled 'Thanks for the memories' by Cecilia Ahern. The words in it quite pictures the situation I'm going through right now. Living in my own thoughts, diving into my own past memories, reasoning out those unhappy ones and moving on, reminiscing those happy ones.....I guess sometimes, things happen for a reason, be it good or bad, it makes us a tougher person. To share with you....


chinmei said...

Totally agreed :) U aja aja fighting!

Dreamer said...

mei:thanks, wish you were here to share =)