Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tourist or a Traveller?

Read this in one of the guide book while doing research for my next trip. To share with you the excerpt,

" Why on earth should you go out of your way to try some sport or activity you've never heard of or will never do it again? Why bother with the slow, less comfortable modes of transport?.....
Because if you're not doing something new, you're doing something you've done before. If you're not taking local transport, you're taking Western style transport........It's often the inconvenient and uncomfortable elements that give travel its extra dimension, and separate the Sphinx in Las Vegas from the one in Eggypt, ....and tourists from the traveller."

totally agree with it, to travel is to get some new insights rather than staying back in your comfort zone. Just finished my 11 days Italy trip and I had a fabulous time. I haven't got time to sit down to organize the photos yet since I had been busy moving house and planning for my next trip real soon. Please bear with me for a month or two before you got any photos here. I'll try to see if I can put up some kind of sneak preview before I go for my next trip.

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